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Member(S) Of The Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick Fennell

Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick FennellWinner: Listen to the Mocking Bird - Band Music of the Union Troops/Arr. attributed to G.W. Ingals 02:30
Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick FennellGrafulla: Freischütz Quickstep - Band Music of the Union Troops/Arranged from Von Weber's "Der Freischütz" 03:11
Member(s) of the Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick FennellAnonymous: Tattoo - Field Music of the US Armed Forces/Bugle Calls 00:58
Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick FennellWagner: Lohengrin - Arranged for Wind Ensemble by Lucien Cailliet - Act 3 - Elsa's Procession to the Cathedral 06:22
Member(s) of the Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick FennellAnonymous: General Call - Field Music of the US Armed Forces/Bugle Calls 00:27
Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick FennellAnonymous: Parade - Band Music of the Union Troops/Arranged by C.S. Grafulla 03:34
Member(s) of the Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick FennellAnonymous: Church Call - Field Music of the US Armed Forces/Bugle Calls 00:31
Member(s) of the Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick FennellAnonymous: Mail Call - Field Music of the US Armed Forces/Bugle Calls 00:10
Member(s) of the Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick FennellAnonymous: Flourish - Field Music of the US Armed Forces/Bugle Calls 00:12
Member(s) of the Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick FennellAnonymous: Retreat - Field Music of the US Armed Forces/Bugle Calls 00:25
Martin Gabel, Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick FennellWe Are Coming, Father Abra'am - Song of the Union and Confederate Soldiers 03:28
Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick FennellWinner: Listen to the Mocking Bird - Band Music of the Union Troops/Arr. attributed to G.W. Ingals 02:29
Member(s) of the Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick FennellAnonymous: Mess Call - Field Music of the US Armed Forces/Bugle Calls 00:13
Martin Gabel, Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick FennellAnonymous: The Battle Hymn of the Republic - Song of the Union and Confederate Soldiers/Attributed to W. Steffe/Lyrics by J.W. Howe/Arranged by P.S. Gilmore 00:48
Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick FennellAnonymous: 26th Regiment Quickstep - Band Music of the Confederate Troops/Attributed to J.A. Leinbach 01:22
Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick FennellGrafulla: Un Ballo in Maschera Quickstep - Band Music of the Union Troops/Arranged from Verdi's "Un ballo in maschera" 04:12
The Eastman Symphonic Wind Ensemble, Frederick FennellFancy Six-Eight - Field Music of the US Army/Drum Solo 01:08
Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick FennellWagner: Das Rheingold - Arranged for Wind Ensemble by Sir Dan Godfrey (1868-1939) - Vierte Szene - Entry of the Gods into Valhalla 07:24
Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick FennellFoster: Lulu's Gone - Band Music of the Confederate Troops 03:22
Member(s) of the Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick FennellCarry On and Swinging Down the Street - Field Music of the US Armed Forces/Drum Solo 01:37
Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick FennellGrafulla: Un Ballo in Maschera Quickstep - Band Music of the Union Troops/Arranged from Verdi's "Un ballo in maschera" 04:11
Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick FennellPalmyra Scottische - Band Music of the Union Troops/Arranged by C.S. Grafulla 03:18
Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick FennellAnonymous: St Patrick's Day in the morning - Band Music of the Union Troops/Arranged by C.S. Grafulla 00:43
Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick FennellWagner: Das Rheingold - Arranged for Wind Ensemble by Sir Dan Godfrey (1868-1939) - Vierte Szene - Entry of the Gods into Valhalla 07:22
Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick FennellAnonymous: Waltz (No.19, Book I of the Regiment Band of the 26th North Carolina) - Band Music of the Confederate Troops 01:37
Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick FennellGrafulla: Grafulla's Quickstep - Band Music of the Union Troops 03:06
Member(s) of the Eastman Wind Ensemble, The Eastman Symphonic Wind Ensemble, Frederick FennellConnecticut Half Time - Field Music of the US Army/Drum Solo 02:25
Martin Gabel, Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick FennellAnonymous: The Battle Hymn of the Republic - Song of the Union and Confederate Soldiers/Attributed to W. Steffe/Lyrics by J.W. Howe/Arranged by P.S. Gilmore 01:20
Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick FennellFoster: Lulu's Gone - Band Music of the Confederate Troops 03:25
Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick FennellPalmyra Scottische - Band Music of the Union Troops/Arranged by C.S. Grafulla 03:17
Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick FennellAnonymous: Psalm 100 - "Old Hundredth"/Band Music of the Confederate Troops/Attributed to Loys Bourgeois (c.1510-c.1560) 00:39
Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick FennellCarry Me Back (to Old Virginny's Shore) - Band Music of the Confederate Troops 01:51
Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick FennellOrdway: Twinkling Stars Quickstep - Band Music of the Union Troops 02:41
Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick FennellGrafulla: Cavalry Quickstep - Band Music of the Union Troops 01:59
Member(s) of the Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick FennellAnonymous: Tattoo - Field Music of the US Armed Forces/Bugle Calls 00:57
Martin Gabel, Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick FennellTenting Tonight on the Old Camp Ground - Song of the Union and Confederate Soldiers 01:49
Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick FennellThe Glory of the Yankee Navy 03:20
Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick FennellRouget de Lisle: La Marseillaise - Band Music of the Union Troops/Arranged by C.S. Grafulla 01:20
Martin Gabel, Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick FennellRoot: Tramp, Tramp, Tramp - Song of the Union and Confederate Soldiers 02:27
Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick FennellAnonymous: Luto Quickstep - Band Music of the Confederate Troops 02:39
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