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Benedictine Monks Of The Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard Joppich

Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard JoppichAnonymous: Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Mariae Aufnahme in den Himmel/Assomption de la Vierge) - Graduale: Propter veritatem 04:06
Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard JoppichAnonymous: Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Mariae Aufnahme in den Himmel/Assomption de la Vierge) - Alleluia - Adducentur regi virgines 03:48
Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard JoppichAnonymous: Epiphanias (Epiphany/Epiphanie) - Introitus: Ecce, advenit dominator Dominus 03:20
Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard JoppichAnonymous: Ascension Day (Christi Himmelfahrt/Ascension du Seigneur) - Communio: Psallite Domino 03:39
Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard JoppichAnonymous: Third Mass for Christmas (Dritte Messe an Weihnachten/Troisième Messe de Noël) - Alleluia - Dies sanctificatus 02:42
Martin Grubinger, Leonhard Schmidinger, Ismael Barrios, Heiko Jung, Rainer Furthner, Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard JoppichAnonymous: First Mass for Christmas (Erste Messe an Weihnachten/Première Messe de Noël) - Introitus: Dominus dixit ad me 04:14
Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard JoppichAnonymous: Third Mass for Christmas (Dritte Messe an Weihnachten/Troisième Messe de Noël) - Communio: Viderunt omnes fines terrae 02:48
Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard JoppichAnonymous: First Mass for Christmas (Erste Messe an Weihnachten/Première Messe de Noël) - Kyrie IV 01:58
Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard JoppichAnonymous: Good Friday - Graduale: Christus factus est pro nobis 03:48
Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard JoppichAnonymous: Ascension Day (Christi Himmelfahrt/Ascension du Seigneur) - Communio: Psallite Domino 03:40
Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard JoppichAnonymous: Third Mass for Christmas (Dritte Messe an Weihnachten/Troisième Messe de Noël) - Graduale: Viderunt omnes 04:20
Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard JoppichAnonymous: Second Mass for Christmas (Zweite Messe an Weihnachten/Seconde Messe de Noël) - Alleluia - Dominus regnavit 02:56
Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard JoppichAnonymous: First Mass for Christmas (Erste Messe an Weihnachten/Première Messe de Noël) - Kyrie IV 01:57
Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard JoppichAnonymous: Third Mass for Christmas (Dritte Messe an Weihnachten/Troisième Messe de Noël) - Communio: Viderunt omnes fines terrae 02:44
Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard JoppichAnonymous: First Mass for Christmas (Erste Messe an Weihnachten/Première Messe de Noël) - Communio: In splendoribus sanctorum 02:26
Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard JoppichAnonymous: Third Mass for Christmas (Dritte Messe an Weihnachten/Troisième Messe de Noël) - Introitus: Puer natus est nobis 04:36
Choralschola of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard JoppichAnonymous: De Benedictione Ramorum et de Processione cum Ramis Benedictis - Responsorium: Ingrediente 03:05
Choralschola of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard JoppichAnonymous: Proprium Missae - Communio: Pater, si non potest 02:32
Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard JoppichAnonymous: Third Mass for Christmas (Dritte Messe an Weihnachten/Troisième Messe de Noël) - Introitus: Puer natus est nobis 04:35
Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard JoppichAnonymous: First Mass for Christmas (Erste Messe an Weihnachten/Première Messe de Noël) - Alleluia - Dominus dixit ad me 02:57
Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard JoppichAnonymous: First Mass for Christmas (Erste Messe an Weihnachten/Première Messe de Noël) - Introitus: Dominus dixit ad me 02:46
Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard JoppichAnonymous: First Mass for Christmas (Erste Messe an Weihnachten/Première Messe de Noël) - Communio: In splendoribus sanctorum 02:28
Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard JoppichAnonymous: First Mass for Christmas (Erste Messe an Weihnachten/Première Messe de Noël) - Gloria IV 03:57
Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard JoppichAnonymous: Second Mass for Christmas (Zweite Messe an Weihnachten/Seconde Messe de Noël) - Communio: Exsulta filia Sion 03:39
Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard JoppichAnonymous: Epiphanias (Epiphany/Epiphanie) - Introitus: Ecce, advenit dominator Dominus 03:29
Choralschola of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard JoppichAnonymous: De Benedictione Ramorum et de Processione cum Ramis Benedictis - Responsorium: Ingrediente 03:13
Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard JoppichAnonymous: Second Mass for Christmas (Zweite Messe an Weihnachten/Seconde Messe de Noël) - Graduale: Benedictus qui venit 03:45
Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard JoppichAnonymous: First Mass for Christmas (Erste Messe an Weihnachten/Première Messe de Noël) - Introitus: Dominus dixit ad me 02:47
Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard JoppichAnonymous: Second Mass for Christmas (Zweite Messe an Weihnachten/Seconde Messe de Noël) - Communio: Exsulta filia Sion 03:40
Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard JoppichAnonymous: First Mass for Christmas (Erste Messe an Weihnachten/Première Messe de Noël) - Graduale: Tecum principium 06:33
Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard JoppichAnonymous: First Mass for Christmas (Erste Messe an Weihnachten/Première Messe de Noël) - Offertorium: Laetentur caeli 04:51
Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard JoppichAnonymous: First Mass for Christmas (Erste Messe an Weihnachten/Première Messe de Noël) - Graduale: Tecum principium 06:34
Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard JoppichAnonymous: Dedication of a Church (Kirchweihe/Dédicace d'une église) - Kyrie XIV 02:08
Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard JoppichAnonymous: Second Mass for Christmas (Zweite Messe an Weihnachten/Seconde Messe de Noël) - Introitus: Lux fulgebit 05:15
Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard JoppichAnonymous: Ascension Day (Christi Himmelfahrt/Ascension du Seigneur) - Offertorium I: Ascendit Deus 06:04
Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard JoppichAnonymous: Third Mass for Christmas (Dritte Messe an Weihnachten/Troisième Messe de Noël) - Offertorium: Tui sunt caeli 10:27
Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard JoppichAnonymous: Epiphanias (Epiphany/Epiphanie) - Alleluia - Vidimus stellam eius 02:35
Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Münsterschwarzach, Pater Godehard JoppichAnonymous: Epiphanias (Epiphany/Epiphanie) - Communio: Vidimus stellam eius 03:00
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