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Gothic Voices, 2 страница

Gothic VoicesThe Spirits Of England and France, Vol. 5 - Missa Veterem hominem and other fifteenth-century English music 05:21
Gothic Voices5 Hac in anni ianua 04:21
Gothic VoicesIn Hoc Ortus Occidente 05:01
Gothic Voices13 Pange melos lacrimosum (1190) 05:43
Gothic VoicesSolage - Pluseurs gens 02:43
Gothic Voices7 Etas auri reditur (1189) 01:54
Gothic VoicesSolage - En l'amoureux verger 04:57
Gothic VoicesCARDOT - Pour une fois 01:08
Gothic VoicesSolage - Joieux de cuer 04:00
Gothic VoicesThe Spirits of England and France, Vol. 1 - Music of the later Middle Ages for Court and Church 02:39
Gothic VoicesInviolata genitrix---Felix virgo---Ad te suspiramus 03:47
Gothic Voices06 - Penalosa - Por las sierras de Madrid 01:27
Gothic Voices07 GUIOTDE DIJON_Chanterai pour mon coriage 06:20
Gothic Voices6 Anglia, planctus itera (1186) 01:59
Gothic Voices14 Luget Rachel iterum 01:51
Gothic VoicesBiaute qui toutes autres pere 04:51
Gothic VoicesConviens' a fede - ballata 03:54
Gothic Voices5 O levis aurula! 02:05
Gothic Voices12 Li nouviauz tanz (Li Chastelain de COUCI 1190) 04:03
Gothic VoicesAnonymous (12th c.): Tronus regis 01:19
Gothic Voices01 Luto carens et latere 03:51
Gothic VoicesThe Spirits of England and France, Vol. 2 - Songs of the Trouvères 01:58
Gothic VoicesJohannes de FLORENTIA. Quando la stella (madrigal - 2v) 03:15
Gothic Voicesfrom Mass in Easter Day, Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem (plainchant, c.1130) • Gradual. Haec dias quam facet Dominus 02:05
Gothic Voices01 - Robert Morton - Le souvenir de vous me tue 03:21
Gothic Voices (Service Of Venus And Mars. Music for the Knights of the Garter, 1340-1440)Gratissima virginis ~ Vos qui admiramini ~ Gaude gloriosa ~ CONTRATENOR 02:42
Gothic VoicesJOHANNES LE GRANT - Se liesse 01:19
Mono Inc.11. Time To Go - Voices Of Doom (2009) Gothic rock/ Germany 04:02
Gothic VoicesFrancesco LANDINI. Per seguir la sperança (ballata - 3v) 03:36
Gothic Voices, dir. Christopher Page. "Jerusalem: Vision of Peace""Te Deum" (образца 1099, Латинские королевства) 05:01
Gothic VoicesGuillaume DUFAY. Quel fronte signorille in paradiso (chanson - 3v) 02:36
Mono Inc.7. Rest In Grace - Voices Of Doom (2009) Gothic rock/Germany 04:43
Hildegard von BingenO Euchari (Emma Kirkby - soprano, Gothic Voices, Christopher Page), 1981 05:43
Lyriel04. Voices In My Head ( Symphonic Gothic / Folk Metal ) (CBR 320 kbps) (2012) 04:17
Gothic VoicesLullay, lullay 04:11
Voices of DestinyBeing Worth 06:06
Gothic Voices10 Alleluia. Pascha nostrum 03:22
Gothic VoicesGillaume de Machaut - Dame, de qui toute ma jolie vient (ballade) 05:31
Gothic Voices17 HILDEGARD OF BINGEN_O Jerusalem 09:33
[muzmo.ru] Septem VoicesДля Тебя (Симфонический Готик-рок) [muzmo.ru] 04:30
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